If you properly canceled your account but are still seeing charges from ElephantDrive on your credit card statement, it is possible that you created (and/or entered billing information) for more than one ElephantDrive account, using different email addresses.
By way of explanation, here are some examples of how this could have happened:
- When you initially signed up for an ElephantDrive account you entered your email address incorrectly, and then later started an account with the correct email address (e.g. "xxxyyy@aol.com" instead of "xxx.yyy@aol.com").
- You signed up for an account with your "xxxyyy@yahoo.com" address and later created an account with your "xxxyyy@gmail.com" address.
In either case, it is possible to have properly canceled an account and still be getting charged (for the other).
Please ensure that you don't have multiple accounts in our system by trying your best to recall and login with other email addresses you potentially signed up with. If you find that you still have an active ElephantDrive account and you would like to cancel it, please do so following our cancellation process, detailed here.
If you think that you could have multiple accounts in our system but can not remember which email address you used, contact us at support@elephantdrive.com and we can try our best to resolve any confusion using the last four digits of the credit card being charged.
Please also note that when you cancel your account, you receive a cancellation confirmation email from ElephantDrive. Your cancellation is also noted in our records as part of your account transaction history. If you do not have an email confirming your cancellation and we do not have record of your cancellation, it is likely that your account was never canceled.
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