Monthly billing is really simple. If you decide to upgrade your account in the middle of a monthly billing cycle, we immediately enable the features and functionality of the new subscription and simply adjust your price for the upcoming month. This way, you get all the features of the higher end account for the remainder of the month you are in at no additional cost. Just our way of saying thanks for enhancing your subscription.
Yearly billing takes a couple additional steps. If you decide to upgrade your account in the middle of a yearly billing cycle:
1. We immediately enable the features and functionality of the new subscription so you can start to take advantage of them right away. Make sure you log out and back in to your account for the change in account type to be reflected in your profile.
2. We figure out how many days of you original yearly subscription remain "un-used." Let's say you decide to upgrade from a $500 plan to a $1000 plan after 107 days. We would say you "used" 107 days equating to $146.58, so you have the remaining 258 days, or $353.42, of your subscription "un-used."
3. We apply the balance of $353.42 to your new subscription level. A $1000 subscription comes out to $2.74 per day, and at this new rate, your remaining balance allows you 129 more days of our service until you are charged again.
4. Your new charge date will therefore be set for 129 days later. At this time, you will be automatically renewed at your subscription level of $1000.
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