- Download the ElephantDrive Plugin
- Go to the FreeNAS web interface in your browser
- Go to the Plugins page, click upload, and select the ElephantDrive Plugin from your local machine.
- FreeNAS will start uploading the plugin, once it's complete, ElephantDrive should show up in the list of installed plugins
Initial Configuration
- If you have not created an account already, please sign up at
- On the left navigation tree, go to Plugins -> ElephantDrive -> Login to ElephantDrive. Enter your account and password.
Backup Configuration
Adding backups requires giving ElephantDrive jail access to the storage area that needs to be backed up. This is done by mounting the desired storage area residing outside of the jail as a storage area inside the jail. For more information, check out the official FreeNAS documentation:
Setting Up Storage Access for ElephantDrive Jail
- Once you have successfully logged in, go to Jails tab -> "Storage" sub-tab -> click Add Storage. Fill out the dialogue box:
- Jail: Select ElephantDrive jail (by default, it is named "customplugin_#")
- Source: is the directory or dataset on the FreeNAS system you would like to gain access to from the jail. This is the directory that you want to backup
- Destination: select an existing, empty directory within the jail to link to the “Source” storage area.
Configuring ElephantDrive Backups
- Go to and login with your account.
- Go to Backup Settings -> Manage Device Backups -> Select the FreeNAS device -> click Add Backup
- Type a backup name then go to includes tab. This is where we will specify the FreeNAS directory to backup. This directory should be the path to the mounted storage (Destination storage in Setting Up Storage Access for ElephantDrive Jail) within the Jails path.
- Click Save Changes
For example, when configuring jail storage access, if you set the destination to /mnt/<path-to-jail>/jailname/mybackup, then the includes directory for ElephantDrive would be /mybackup
Backups now should be enabled and the FreeNAS device should start backing up. To confirm that your device is indeed backing up, click on View log file under ElephantDrive Plugin in the navigation tree. Any data activity in the backup should be logged in the log file.
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